


巴巴还派自己的美国门徒,哈佛大学的博士Allan Cohen, Robert Dreyfus and Rick Chapman等去美国各地演讲,告诉人们毒品的害处。当时的毒品“古鲁”,哈佛大学教授Richard Alpert(Ram Dass)等都跟巴巴有过通信,且很尊重巴巴。由于巴巴丝毫不去迎合人性的弱点,他也因此失去了一些西方的潜在跟随者。

Meher Baba



In an age when individual liberty is prized above all achievements, the fast-increasing number of drug addicts forms an appalling chain of self-sought bondage! Even as these drugs hold out an invitation to a fleeting sense of ecstasy, freedom or escape, they enslave the individual in greater binding. LSD, a highly potent “mind-changing” drug differing from the opium derivatives and being used in the research of mental science, is said to “expand consciousness and alter one’s personality for the better”. In America it has become tragically popular among the young, used indiscriminately by any and many. They must be persuaded to desist from taking drugs, for they are harmful ― physically, mentally and spiritually.

在一个个人自由高于所有成就的时代,快速增加的吸毒成瘾者形成了一个令人震惊的自我追求束缚链! 即使这些药物提供了一种短暂的狂喜,自由或逃避,它们也会使个人受到更大的约束。 LSD是一种高效的“改变思维”的药物,与鸦片衍生物不同,被用于心理学的研究,被称为“扩大意识,改变一个人的个性为更好”。 在美国,它已经在年轻人中变得非常受欢迎,被许多人不分青红皂白地使用。 必须说服他们停止服用毒品,因为它在身体上,精神上和灵性上都是有害的。

All so-called spiritual experiences generated by taking “mind-changing” drugs such as LSD, mescaline and psilocybin are superficial and add enormously to one’s addiction to the deceptions of illusion which is but the shadow of Reality.


No drug, whatever its great promise, can help one to attain the spiritual goal. There is no short-cut to the goal except through the grace of the Perfect Master*, and drugs, LSD more than others, give only a semblance of “spiritual experience,” a glimpse of a false Reality. [*The Perfect Master is the God-realized being who has completed the cycle of evolution and involution through which consciousness is developed, matured and perfected, and who subsequently elects to return to active participation in creation in order to help other souls perfect consciousness.]

没有任何药物-无论它有再大的许诺,可以帮助人们实现精神目标。 除了通过完美大师*的恩典之外,没有捷径,而毒品,LSD只给出了一种“精神体验”的表象,一瞥虚假的现实。 [*完美的大师是上帝现实的存在,他完成了进化和内化的循环,通过这种循环,意识得以发展,成熟和完善,并随后选择回归,积极参与创造,以帮助其他灵魂完善意识。]

The experience of a semblance of freedom that these drugs may temporarily give to one is in actuality a millstone around the aspirant’s neck in his efforts towards emancipation from the rounds of birth and death.


The experience is as far removed from Reality as is a mirage from water. No matter how much one pursues the mirage one will never reach water and the search for God through drugs must end in disillusionment. One who knows the Way, who is the Way, cannot approve the continued pursuance of a method that not only must prove fruitless but leads away from the Path that leads to Reality.

这种体验与现实相去甚远,因为海上的海市蜃楼也是如此。 无论一个人怎样追求海市蜃楼,人们永远不会到达,通过毒品寻求上帝必须以幻灭为终结。 知道道的人,即是道本身,不会同意追求这种方法,这种方法不仅必须被证明无效,而且会导致远离现实的道路。

Experiences gained through LSD are, in some cases, experiences of the shadows of the subtle (emotion, energy) plane in the gross (physical) world. These experiences have nothing at all to do with spiritual advancement.

在某些情况下,通过LSD获得的经验是在浊世界中精层面的阴影的体验。 这些经历与精神进步毫无关系。

The user of LSD can never reach subtle consciousness in this incarnation despite its repeated use. To experience real spiritual consciousness, surrenderance to a Perfect Master is necessary.

即使重复使用,LSD的使用者仍然无法在这个身体中达到精意识。 要体验真正的精意识,必须对完美大师臣服。

It is human, and therefore necessarily wrongsighted, to view the result of the drug by its immediate relative effects ― to calculate its end result is beyond human knowledge, and only the true Guide can point the way.

人们只通过其直接影响来观察药物的效果,必然是有缺点的 ,计算其最终结果超出了人类的知识,只有真正的导师可以指明方向。

The experiences derived through the drugs are experiences by one in the gross world of the shadows of the subtle planes and are not continuous. The experiences of the subtle sphere by one on the subtle planes are continuous, but even these experiences are of illusion, for Reality is beyond them. And so, though LSD may lead one to feel a better man personally, the feeling of having had a glimpse of Reality may not only lull one into a false security but also will in the end derange one’s mind. Although LSD is not an addiction-forming drug one can become attached to the experiences arising from its use and one gets tempted to use it in increasing doses, again and again, in the hope of deeper and deeper experiences. But eventually this causes madness or death.

通过药物获得的经验是精层面的阴影在浊世界中的体现,并不是连续的。而 一个人在精层面上的精体验是连续的,但即使这些体验也是幻觉,因为现实超越了他们。 因此,虽然LSD可能会导致一个人亲自感受到成为一个更好的人,但是这些感觉可能不仅会使一个人陷入虚假的安全感,而且最终也会让人心神不宁。 尽管LSD不是一种成瘾性药物,但人们会依赖于其使用过程中产生的经验,并且人们一次又一次地尝试增加剂量,以期获得更深刻和更深刻的体验。 但最终这会导致疯狂或死亡。

An example of experiences that are shadows of the subtle plane encountered in the gross world is that of a yogi who taught his 150 students to go into trance. When the students came out of the trance they were asked by the yogi to describe their experiences. Their accounts would be amazing to a man in the street, for in their state of trance they saw lights and colours galore ― dazzling lights in colours and in circles and in different designs. They felt all things around them pulsating with light and felt themselves separate from their own bodies and became witness to all things.

在浊世界中经验到的精层面的阴影体验的一个例子是:一位瑜伽士教导他的150名学生进入恍惚状态。 当学生走出恍惚状态时,瑜伽师要求他们描述自己的经历。 他们的描述对于人们来说是惊人的,因为他们在恍惚状态下看到了灯光和色彩丰富 的颜色,圆圈和不同形状的耀眼光芒。 他们觉得身边的所有东西都充满光芒,感觉自己与自己的身体分开,成为所有事物的旁观者。

Even such experiences as these are but the shadows of the subtle plane experienced in the gross world, for they are not continuous. However, these are NOT spiritually harmful, but neither are they spiritually beneficial. But experiences induced through the use of drugs are harmful physically.

即使是这样的经验,只是精层面的阴影在浊世界中的经历,因为它们不是连续的。 然而,这些在精神上并非有害,但它们在精神上都不是有益的。 但是,通过使用药物引起的相似经历却对身体有害。

Even actual experiences of the subtle planes in the subtle sphere (which are always continuous) are likened to the pleasure of children playing with toys. However, these experiences are spiritually beneficial since they create a longing in the aspirant for further advancement. But union with God is impossible without the grace of the Perfect Master.

甚至在精层面中的真实精体验(总是连续的)都被比作只是儿童的乐趣。 然而,这些经历在精神上是有益的,因为它们在追求进一步发展的过程中产生了渴望。 但如果没有完美大师的恩典,就不可能与上帝合一。

Consciousness is fully evolved and complete as soon as the soul identifies itself with the human form. This consciousness neither increases nor decreases; only the experiences of consciousness increase. Hence the states of sub-sub-super consciousness, sub-super consciousness, super consciousness and God consciousness. This in other words is gross consciousness, subtle consciousness, mental consciousness and God consciousness. The lighter the burden of impressions (sanskaras) the higher the experience of consciousness.

一旦灵魂以人的形式认同自己,意识就会得到充分的进化和完善。 这种意识既不增加也不减少; 只有意识的体验才会增加。 比如:亚超意识,次超意识,超意识和神意识的状态。 换句话说,这就是浊意识,精意识,心意识和神意识。 印象(sanskaras)的负担越轻,意识体验就越高。

There is also a state of perverted consciousness. It is a state in which consciousness indulges in induced experiences such as those gotten from the use of drugs; and even the most fantastic experiences thus induced are only the shadows of the subtle plane experienced in the gross world.

还有一种变态意识状态。 这是一种意识沉溺于诱导经历的状态,例如从使用毒品中获得的经验; 甚至由此引发的最奇妙的体验,也只是在浊世界中经历的精层面的阴影。

Only the One who knows and experiences Reality, who is Reality, has the ability and authority to point out the false from the Real. The only Real experience is to continuously see God within oneself as the infinite effulgent ocean of Truth and then to become one with this infinite ocean and continuously experience infinite knowledge, power and bliss.

只有体验现实的人才是真实的,他才有能力和权威指出真正的虚假。 唯一真实的经验是不断地将自己视为真理的无限光辉海洋,然后与这无限的海洋成为一体,并不断体验无限的知识,力量和幸福。

To a few sincere seekers, LSD may have served as a means to arouse that spiritual longing which has brought them into my contact, but once that purpose is served further ingestion would not only be harmful but have no point or purpose. The longing for Reality cannot be sustained by further use of drugs but only by the love for the Perfect Master which is a reflection of his love for the seeker.

对于一些真诚的寻求者来说,LSD可能已经成为唤起那种使他们与我联系的精神渴望的一种手段,但是一旦达到这个目的,进一步摄取将不仅是有害的,而且没有任何意义或目的。 对现实的渴望不能通过进一步使用毒品来维持,而只能通过对完美大师的热爱来维持,这反映了他对寻求者的爱。

An individual may feel LSD has made a “better” man of him socially and personally. But one will be a better man through Love than one can ever be through drugs or any other artificial aid. And the best man is he who has surrendered himself to the Perfect Master irrespective of his personal or social standing.

一个人可能觉得LSD在社交和个人方面使他成为“更好”的人。 但是,通过爱,一个人才将是一个更好的人,而不是通过毒品或任何其他人工援助。 无论个人或社会地位如何,最好的人是向完美大师臣服的人。

As for possible use of the drug by an enlightened society for spiritual purposes ― an enlightened society would never dream of using it!

至于开明社会为了精神目的可能使用药物 – –一个开明的社会永远不会梦想使用它!

All the experiences even of spiritual aspirants on the Path to God-realization (gotten in the natural course of involution of consciousness) are of the domain of Illusion and are ephemeral and absolutely unimportant; how much more illusory and distracting are the experiences through substances compounded in a laboratory which have the semblance of those of the aspirant on the Spiritual Path! The one and only true experience is the experience of the Truth, the Reality; for once the realization of God is attained it remains a continual and never-ending experience.

甚至在通往上帝之路上的精神追求者的所有经历(在意识回归的自然过程中经验到的)都是幻觉的领域,并且是短暂的,绝对不重要; 通过在实验室中合成物质引发的经验,是多么虚幻和分散注意力,这些物质与精神路径上的追求者的外表相似! 但唯一真正的体验是体验真实,现实; 因为一旦实现了上帝,它是一种持续不断的经历。

The all-pervading effulgence of God the Reality can only be experienced by an aspirant who keeps himself scrupulously above all illusory experimentations and humbly takes refuge in love of God.


God can only be realized by loving Him with all the love at one’s command ― pure, simple and unadulterated love. When one’s love for God, and God alone, is at its zenith true longing for union with God is greatest, and the aspirant’s ego assertion is then at its lowest point.

上帝只能通过爱一切的爱来实现 – 纯洁,简单和纯粹的爱。 当一个人爱上帝,上帝唯一,在其顶峰,渴望与上帝合一,而自我则降到最低点。

The aspirant at this stage is in the sixth plane of consciousness (vide God Speaks) and “sees” God face to face in all His glory. The aspirant experiences this without fear of fluctuation in his continual and never-ending experiencing of “seeing” the glory of God. Even this most sublime experience of “seeing” God face to face falls short of the only true experience ― union with God the Reality.

在这个阶段的追随者是在意识的第六个层面(与上帝对话),并且在他所有的荣耀中面对面“看见”上帝。 有抱负的人经历过这种情况,而不必担心他在“看到”上帝荣耀的不间断和永无止境的经历中波动。 即使是这种面对面“看见”上帝的崇高经验也没有达到唯一的真实体验 – 与上帝合一的现实。

It is absolutely essential for a spiritual aspirant who genuinely longs for union with God ― the Reality ― to shun experiments with the effects of certain drugs. These things do not uplift the aspirant nor draw him out of the rut of Illusion. Experiences born of these practices wear off as soon as the aspirant withdraws from or is thrown out of the orbit of the effect produced by the technique employed.

对于真正渴望与上帝合一的精神追求者来说,绝对必须避免使用某些药物的效果进行实验。 这些事情并没有提升一个人,也没有把他从幻觉中拉出来。 一旦有志者从所采用药物效果的轨道退出或被抛出轨道,这些经验就会消失。

But there is no drug that can promote the aspirant’s progress ― nor ever alleviate the sufferings of separation from his beloved God. LOVE is the only propeller and the only remedy. The aspirant should love God with all his heart till he forgets himself and recognizes his beloved God in himself and others.

但是没有药物可以促进上升的进步 – 也无法减轻与他心爱的上帝分离的痛苦。 爱是唯一的推进器和唯一的补救措施。 追求者应该全心全意地爱上帝,直到他忘记了自己,并在自己和他人身上认出他心爱的上帝。

Even the experiences of the planes of consciousness are only another kind of an illusion! Experiences of the planes are “Real Illusion”, whereas those derived from the use of drugs are illusion into “False Illusion”. This mudane life and the experiences thereof are a “dream into a dream”; whereas the traversing of the spiritual Path by the seekers who gain experiences of planes of consciousness is a “dream”.

即使是意识层面的经历也只是另一种幻觉! 这些层面的经验是“真实的幻觉”,而那些来自使用毒品的幻想则是“假幻觉”。 这种迷幻生活及其经历是“梦中梦”; 而获得意识层面经验的寻求者所遍历的精神之路是一个“梦”。

Medically there are legitimate uses of LSD. It can be used beneficially for chronic alcoholism, for severe and serious cases of depression and for relief in mental illnesses. Use of LSD other than for specific medical purposes is harmful physically, mentally and spiritually.

医学上有LSD的合法用途。 它可以有益地用于慢性酒精中毒,严重的抑郁症和精神疾病的缓解。 除特定医疗目的外,使用LSD在身体,精神和精神上都是有害的。

Any drug when used medically for diseases, under the direct supervision of a medical practitioner, is not impermissible and cannot be classed with individual usage of a drug for what one can get out of it ― or hopes to get out of it ― whether thrills, forgetfulness, or a delusion of spiritual experience.

除非在医生的直接监督下,医学上用于治疗疾病的任何药物,都不能用来获得或者想摆脱 – 诸如刺激, 健忘,或精神体验的妄想。

LSD and other psychedelic drugs should never be used except when prescribed by a professional medical practitioner in the case of serious mental disorder under his direct supervision.


In short, LSD can be used beneficially for specific medical purposes, but for spiritual progress it is not only useless but positively harmful.


If the student world continues to indulge in the use of LSD, the best of its intellectual potential will be lost to the nation.


Use of LSD produces hallucinations, and prolonged use of this drug will lead to mental derangement, which even the medical use of LSD would fail to cure.


Copyright 1966 Sufism Reoriented, Inc., Walnut Creek, CA

版权1966 Sufism Reoriented,Inc.,Walnut Creek,CA