
著名心理学家荣格(Carl G. Jung )生前就已经获得了巨大的声誉,但他却一直保持着自己的“平民风度”而仅仅在精神上显得是一位“巨人”或“贵族”。“他跟所有的人谈话都坦率自然,毫不装腔作势,不管对方是名人还是中学生.他十分民主,一点也不拿架子和自认为了不起……凡是与荣格有过私人接触的人,事后都提到他具有开朗的心情和无与伦比的幽默感. 他的眼睛愉快地闪动,不时发出开心的、富于感染力的笑声. 他自己风趣健谈,又能专心听别人谈话,从来不显得匆忙,从来不显得心不在焉. 在谈话过程中,他对问题的把握灵活变通,表达简练准确,能够容忍和接受不同的意见。”
荣格用了一些特定的词汇来描述心灵的各个部分,包括意识(conscious)和潜意识(unconscious)在内。这些概念源自于他大量的临床观察经验。荣格概念中的心理图谱可划分成两个基本的区块:意识与潜意识。潜意识又可以进一步地区分为个人潜意识和集体潜意识(collective unconscious),这个词至今依然是讨论荣格心理学时使用最广泛的词汇。人类心灵的深度一如外在、“真实的”、集体意识的世界一样的客观真实。 心灵有四个层次:
一、个人意识(personal consciousness),或称日常的觉察; 也称自我,是人有意识的心智,是心灵中关于认知、感觉、思考以及记忆的那部分。
二、个人潜意识(personal unconscious),其之于个别心灵而言是独特的,但无法被察觉;由心灵中曾经被意识到,但又被压抑或遗忘,或一开始就没有形成有意识的印象构成。
四、集体意识(collective consciousness)的外在世界,有共同价值与形式的文化世界。 人格中最深、最不易碰触到得层次。在荣格看来,如同我们每个人在个人潜意识里积累并存放所有个人记忆档案那样,同样人类集体作为一个种族,也在集体潜意识里存放着人类和前人类物种的经验。
荣格常提到,我深信,心灵的探讨必定会成为未来一门重要的科学….这是一门我们最迫切需要的科学。因为世界发展的趋势显示,人类最大的敌人不在于饥荒、地震、病菌或癌症,而是在于人类本身,因为,就目前而言,我们仍然没有任何适当的方法,来防止远比自然灾害更危险的人类心灵疾病的蔓延。“一个吸引着我全部的研究兴趣,使我激动万分的问题是:在精神疾病的背后,究竟是什么东西在作祟”?“甚至在正常人身上,性格分裂也完全不是什么不可能的事情.因此,我们把人格分裂作为一个正常心理学问题,就完全拥有正当的理由. 在我看来,对上面这一问题的回答应该是:这种人根本没有真正的性格,他不是‘个体的’而是‘集体的’,是受外部环境和普遍期待所玩弄摆布的人。” “个性化在一定程度上几乎总是与集体标准相冲突,因为个性化即意味着从一般性中分离和分化出来,建立起自己的特殊性——不是一种‘后来获得’的特殊性,而是一种业已根深蒂固地存在于心理构造中的特殊性”。荣格治疗过大量病人,他晚年回忆,他分析过的梦,总数不下八万。作为一位能够一直深入到他人灵魂深处的医生,许多曾经接受过荣格治疗的病人,后来虽然恢复了健康,却一直保留着对荣格的深刻记忆。
有当事人回忆:在荣格应邀去耶鲁大学讲学,大礼堂已经座无虚席. 听众对荣格的报告报之以极大的热情和兴趣. 报告结束后,主持报告会的一位教授的夫人邀请荣格去家中出席茶会。茶会上,她流着眼泪告诉荣格:“你的报告我没有听懂,但我却深受感动. 你的声音、你的举止、你讲话的方式感染了我. 我明白你所说的全是真理. 我无法控制自己,实在痛快极了。” 在一些人眼中,荣格简直就像是一位圣人或“先知”。 有人指出:“无疑,现在有许多人认为荣格是一个有着自己基本教义的新的宗教圣人,在他身上能够发现救世主——耶稣基督的特征。”在爱滋病流行、弗洛伊德的理论事实上宣告破产后,心理学界有人评价说:”荣格的工作囊括了如此众多和如此不同的兴趣领域,他所产生的影响,迄今只能说刚刚开始.今天,人们对荣格的兴趣正越来越浓厚,特别在年轻一代中更是如此.与此相应的是:他的影响的日益增长,迄今也只能说仍然处在早期阶段;从现在起,三十年之后,我们可能会用完全不同的话语来讨论他的工作和他的着作.也就是说,荣格是如此领先于他的时代,以至今天人们也只能逐渐地追赶他的种种发现”。
Children are educated by what the grown-up is and not by his talk. 儿童的教养源于成人的修为而非说教。
If one does not understand a person, one tends to regard him as a fool. 不理解一个人,就往往会把他当成傻瓜。
Man needs difficulties; they are necessary for health. 人需要困扰,困扰是心理健康的必需之物。
The most intense conflicts, if overcome, leave behind a sense of security and calm that is not easily disturbed. It is just these intense conflicts and their conflagration which are needed to produce valuable and lasting results.
There is no coming to consciousness without pain. 没有痛苦,就没有意识的唤醒。
The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely. 最可怕的事情是完全接受自己。
A collection of a hundred great brains makes one big fathead. 集合起一百个伟大头脑,就会得到一个大傻瓜。
Here we must ask: Have I any religious experience and immediate relation to God, and hence that certainty which will keep me, as an individual, from dissolving in the crowd? 在此我们必须发问:我是否拥有任何宗教体验、拥有与上帝的直接关联,从而获得一种确然性,使我做为个体免于消融于群众?
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. 潜意识如果没有进入意识,就会引导你的人生而成为你的命运。
What is essential in a work of art is that it should rise far above the realm of personal life and speak to the spirit and heart of the poet as man to the spirit and heart of mankind.
It is, moreover, only in the state of complete abandonment and loneliness that we experience the helpful powers of our own natures.而且,只有在完全的听天由命和孤独状态,我们才能体验到我们自身天性的积极力量。
In some way or other we are part of a single, all-embracing psyche, a single “greatest man”.在某种意义上,我们从属于一个涵盖一切的单一心灵、从属于一个单一的“总体人”。
What is stirred in us is that faraway background, those immemorial patterns of the human mind, which we have not acquired but have inherited from the dim ages of the past. 在我们的内心深处被唤起的,就是那个久远的背景——古老的人类心理模式,它们源于遗传而非后天习得,我们从业已模糊的往日世代继承了它们。
Life has always seemed to me like a plant that lives on its rhizome. Its true life is invisible, hidden in the rhizome. The part that appears above ground lasts only a single summer.?.?.?. What we see is the blossom, which passes.The rhizome remains. 我总是感到,生活就象萌发于地下根茎的植株。生活的真正生命是不可见的,它深藏于地下根茎中,而显露出地面的可见一斑部分只能生存一个夏季。我们所见到的是将会消逝的花簇,而根茎长驻。
At times I feel as if I am spread out over the landscape and inside things, and am myself living in every tree, in the plashing of the waves, in the clouds and the animals that come and go, in the procession of the seasons.
Knowledge does not enrich us; it removes us more and more from the mythic world in which we were once at home by right of birth.知识不会使我们更丰富;它使我们越来越远离神秘世界——这个我们曾经的天然家园。
A belief proves to me only the phenomenon of belief, not the content of the belief. 在我看来,一种信仰只是一个信仰现象,信仰的内容无足轻重。
The greatest and most important problems in life are all in a certain sense insoluble. They can never be solved, but only outgrown.在某种意义上,生活中的最重大和最重要问题都是无法解决的。我们无法解决它们,只能在成长中超越它们。
Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens.只有当人能够察看自己的内心深处时,他的视野才会变得清晰起来。向外看的人是在梦中、向内看的人是清醒的人。
The unconscious is the unwritten history of mankind from time unrecorded. 潜意识是未曾付诸文字的人类洪荒时代史。
Man’s task is to become conscious of the contents that press upward from the unconscious.人的任务,就是意识到从潜意识中努力向上涌出的内容。
The dream is a little hidden door in the innermost and most secret recesses of the soul, opening into that cosmic night which was psyche long before there was any ego-consciousness, and which will remain psyche no matter how far our ego-consciousness extends.梦是开设在灵魂深处最隐蔽角落的小小隐秘窗口,它所通向的宇宙夜空是心灵性的,在自我-意识出现之前很久就已如此,而无论我们的自我-意识的疆界如何扩展,它将始终通向心灵的夜空。
Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves. 每件促使我们注意到他人的事,都能使我们更好地理解自己。
Nobody, as long as he moves about among the chaotic currents of life, is without trouble. 在生活的洪流中,没有人是毫无烦恼的。
Nothing has a stronger influence psychologically on their environment and especially on their children than the unlived life of the parent.父母死气沉沉的生活对周围人特别是自己孩子的影响,是无与伦比的。
The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.两个灵魂的相遇就像两种化学物质的接触:一丁点的反应就会彻底改变它们。
We cannot change anything unless we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses. 对于任何事务,要改变它就要先接受它。谴责不会解放而只会压迫。
As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.在我们视野所及中,人类存在的唯一目的,是在纯粹存在的黑暗中燃起一点光亮。
It all depends on how we look at things, and not on how they are themselves. 我们看待事物的方式、而不是事物本身如何,决定着一切。
All the works of man have their origin in creative fantasy. What right have we then to depreciate imagination.人类的所有成就都源于创造性幻想。那么我们没有权利轻视想象力。
Sometimes, indeed, there is such a discrepancy between the genius and his human qualities that one has to ask oneself whether a little less talent might not have been better. 确实,天才的天赋和他的人类品质有时会差异如此巨大,人们不得不怀疑天赋平庸点也许是件好事。
There can be no transforming of darkness into light and of apathy into movement without emotion. 没有情感,就不会有黑暗向光明、冷漠向活力的转变。
Creative powers can just as easily turn out to be destructive. It rests solely with the moral personality whether they apply themselves to good things or to bad. And if this is lacking, no teacher can supply it or take its place 。
Without freedom there can be no morality. 没有自由就不会有道德。
Meaning has an inherent curative power.Meaning affects everything. 意义具有内在的治疗能力。意义影响到一切事物。
The individual cannot give his life point and meaning unless he puts his ego at the service of spiritual authority superordinate to man.个体只有使自我向高于人的心灵权威臣服,才能赋予自己的生命以特质和意义。
I could not say I believe. I know! I have had the experience of being gripped by something stronger than myself, something that people call God.我不能够说我有信仰。但我理解!我曾体验过它:某种比我自己更强大的存在控制了我,那就是人们所称的“上帝”(当被问及是否信仰上帝时荣格的回答)。
The world hangs on a thin thread, and that thread is the psyche of man. 世界悬于一线,那根线就是人的心灵。
The unconscious is a piece of Nature our mind cannot comprehend. 潜意识是大自然的一部分,我们的心理无法领悟它。
“Physical” is not the only criterion of truth: there are also psychic truths which can neither be explained nor proved nor contested in any physical way.“物质”不是唯一的事实标准:还存在心理事实,而且无法以任何的物质方式来解释、证明、或辩驳它。
It is quite possible that we look at the world from the wrong side and that we might find the right answer by changing our point of view and looking at it from the other side, i.e., not from outside, but from inside.
No matter what the world thinks about religious experience, the one who has it possesses a great treasure, a thing that has become for him a source of life, meaning, and beauty, and that has given a new splendor to the world and to mankind…. Where is the criterion by which you could say that such a life is not legitimate, that such an experience is not valid?无论这个世界如何看待宗教体验,拥有宗教体验的人持有一笔巨大的财富:它已成为他的生活、意义、以及美的来源,并给予世界和人类一份新的壮丽。…你是根据什么标准,来判定这种人生不合理、这种体验没有根据?