1 Yazad Worthy of Worship 值得敬仰
2 Harvesp-tawan All-Powerful 全能
3 Harvesp-agah All-Knowing 全知
4 Harvesp-khoda Lord of alll 万物之主
5 Abadeh Without Beginning 无始
6 Abi-anjam Without End 无终
7 Bun-e-stiha Root of Creation 造物界根源
8 Frakhtan-taih Endless Bliss 无尽极乐
9 Jamaga Primal Cause 第一因
10 Prajatarah Exalted One崇高者
11 Tum-afik Purest of the Pure 纯之最纯
12 Abaravand Detached from All 超然一切
13 Paravandeh In touch with all 触及一切
14 An-ayafeh Unattainable 难以达成
15 Hama-Ayafeh Attainer of All 成就一切者
16 Adro Most Righteous 最正直
17 Gira Upholder of all 支持一切者
18 A-chem Beyond reason超出理性
19 Chamana Sovereign Reason 至高理性
20 Safana Bountiful One 丰富者
21 Afza Ever Prolific 永远多产
22 Nasha Reaching equally to all 平等达至一切
23 Parwara Nourisher 滋育者
24 Ianaha Protector of the world 世界保护者
25 Ain-aenah Never Changing 永远不变
26 An-aenah Formless 无形
27 Kharoshid-tum Most Steadfast among the
28 Mino-tum Lord Invisible 不可见之主
29 Vasna All-Pervading 无所不在
30 Harvastum All in all 一切中的一切
31 Hu-sepas Worthy of our profound thanks 值得我们深深感激者
32 Har-Hamid All embracing Goodness 包含一切的善
33 Har-naik faraih All embracing Holy
34 Baish-tarana Remover of
35 Taronish Beyond Affliction 超出苦难
36 Anah-aoshaka Immortal 永生不死
37 Farasaka Fulfiller of Holy Desires 神圣愿望的实现者
38 Pajohdehad Creator of Holy attributes 神圣品质的创造者
39 Khwafar Compassionate Judge 慈悲的法官
40 Avakhshiaea Merciful Giver仁慈的施予者
41 Abaraja Bountiful Giver 慷慨赐予者
42 A-satoha Unconquerable 不可战胜
43 Rakhoha Freest of the free 自由之最自由
44 Varun Deliverer from evil 解脱罪恶者
45 A-farefah Never Deceiving 永远无欺
46 Be-fareftah Never Deceived 从不受骗
47 A-dui One without a second 独一无二
48 Kam-rad Lord of desire 愿望之主
49 Farman-kam Decreer of Sovereign Desire 至高愿望的规定者
50 Aekh Tan Soul Supreme 至高灵魂
51 A-faremosh Never-forgetting 永不忘却
52 Hamarna Just Accountant 公平的会计
53 Sanaea Knowing all things 知晓一切事物
54 A-tars Fearless 无畏
55 A-bish Devoid of pain 无痛
56 A-frajdum Most exalted one 最崇高者
57 Ham-chun Ever the same 永远同一
58 Mino-satihgar Invisible Creator of the Universe
59 A-minogar Creator of the Profoundly Spiritual
60 Mino-nahab Hidden within the spirit 隐藏于灵内
61 Adar-bad-gar Transmuter of Fire into Air 化火为气者
62 Adar-nam-gar Transmuter of Fire into dew 化火为露者
63 Bad-adar-gar Transmuter of Air into Fire 化气为火者
64 Bad-nam-gar Transmuter of Air into dew 化气为露者
65 Bad-gail-gar Transmuter of Air into Earth 化气为土者
66 Bad-gred-tum Supreme Transmuter of Air into dust
67 Adar-kibritatum Supreme Transmuter of Fire into divine
sparks 无上的化火为神圣火花者
sparks 无上的化火为神圣火花者
68 Bad-gar-jae Spreading Air everywhere 遍布空气者
69 Ab-tum Creator of Lifegiving water 生命活水的创造者
70 Gail-adar-gar Transmuter of Dust into Fire 化尘为火者
71 Gail-vad-gar Transmuter of Dust into Air 化尘为气者
72 Gail-nam-gar Transmuter of Dust into water 化尘为水者
73 Gar-gar Master Craftsman 工艺大师
74 Garo-gar Rewarder of sincere desires 真诚愿望的酬报者
75 Gar-a-gar Creator of all Humanity and its actions
76 Gar-a-gar-gar Creator of all Human and Animal Life
77 A-gar-agar Creator of all the four elements 四大元素的创造者
78 A-gar-a-gar-gar Creator of all the planets and all other
worlds 一切植物和一切其它世界的创造者
worlds 一切植物和一切其它世界的创造者
79 A-guman Never in doubt 从不怀疑
80 A-jaman Ageless 不衰老
81 A-Khuan Eternally awake 常醒
82 Amast Ever-alert 一直警觉
83 Fashutana Ever-Protecting 一直保护
84 Padmani Recorder of Man’s actions 人类行为的记录者
85 Firozgar Victorious 胜利者
86 Khudawand Lord of the Universe 宇宙之主
87 Ahuramazd Lord of Life and Wisdom 生命与智慧之主
88 Abarin-kuhan-tawan Preserver of Creation 造物界的维系者
89 Abarin-nao-tawan Renewer of Creation 造物界的更新者
90 Vaspan Embracing All Creation 拥抱整个造物界
91 Vaaspar Giver of All Things 一切事物的给予者
92 Khawar Infinitely Patient 无限耐心者
93 Ahu Lord of exisience 存在之主
94 Avakshidar Forgiver of sins 宽恕罪孽者
95 Dadar Divine Creator 神圣创造者
96 Raiyomand Rayed in glory 荣耀辐射
97 Khorehmand Haloed in Light 光环笼罩
98 Davar Lord of Justice 正义之主
99 Kerfaigar Lord of Just Rewards 公正报酬之主
100 Bokhtar Liberator 给予解脱者
101 Farsho-gar Awakener of Eternal Spring常春的唤醒者