Important! “Do not place guru’s photo together with buddha or bodhisattva images/statues in the middle of the shrine. It is not good for the gurus. Place it on the side /on the wall. ” – Karmapa
重要提示 “不可将上师照片与佛像并列放在佛堂中间,这样对上师不利。请将其放在侧面/墙上。” ~ 噶玛巴
Question to Karmapa: How should we set up a shrine in our homes?
The Karmapa answers: I’ve always wanted to talk about this subject as many people have asked me how to arrange a shrine.
Some people believe in traditional Chinese Mahayana and some people believe in Tibetan Buddhism,
and so in this case, you need to be aware of the different images when you set up a shrine. It is not good to create conflict or have argument over this.
These days it is easy to find images of numerous vajrayana deities but we need to be careful, he said.
For example, the protector deities are secret and we should not exhibit them to everyone.Showing them like an advertisement violates the principles of the vajrayana.
This is also true for anuttara yoga deities, which should not be displayed to just anybody.
If we want to set up a shrine, we can place on it images of famous deities, such as Shakyamuni Buddha, Amitabha, Avalokiteshvara, Guru Rinpoche, Tara, Bhaisajyaguru (Medicine Buddha), and Akshobhya.
These are all widely recognized and simple. But if we are engaged in a special deity practice, it is better to place the image inside our text or resting it on the text holder.
We also need to pay attention to our teacher’s photo. If you have my photo, please do not place it in the shrine along with images of bodhisattvas. The same is true for other teachers. If you want to have an image of a teacher, then please place the image on a wall nearby. It is not appropriate to place it in the middle of the shrine or mix it with replicas of bodhisattvas.
There are different types of teachers (lamas or gurus): some of them are enlightened and some are not, but they still can be qualified teachers. If you place a photo of teachers who are not enlightened mixed in with images of bodhisattvas, it is not good for the teachers, even though we may see them as being the Buddha.
To illustrate his point, the Karmapa related the story of Maudgalyayana, who along with Shariputra was one of the two most famous disciples of the Buddha.
Maudgalyayana possessed the six types of higher cognitions, which, among other things, allowed him to move around freely.
One time he went to the hell realms and saw an Indian master who had been reborn there. This master pleaded with him to take a message to his disciples.
They had built a stupa containing the master’s relics and many people were circumambulating it, which caused the master great agony, (especially when buddhists circumambulating it) and so he was requesting them to stop.
When Maudgalyayana delivered the master’s message to the disciples, they became incensed: “You do not even know our great master and just want to insult him.”They beat him half dead and not long after that he passed away.
当目犍连把大师的意思传达给弟子们时,弟子们勃然大怒:”你根本不了解我们伟大的上师,只想侮辱他” 他们把他打得半死,不久他就去世了。
How could some one with psychic powers like those of Maudgalyayana end up like this? He remembered that he had beaten someone to death in a past life, creating that same negative karma in this present life.
We can see, therefore, that no matter how excellent his psychic power might be, it could never be more powerful than his karma.
For these reasons, I feel it is better not to place a guru’s photo or name, or for that matter, the names of sponsors, on the shrines.These are not appropriate.
Please pay attention when placing photos and images of tantric deities on the shrine as well.Just as in the Refuge Tree, there are rules about how to place deities in the right order—the Buddha, Dharma, Sangha, guru, yidam deities, dakinis and protectors.
Although all beings are equal, in appearance they need to take their proper places. Of course, when we are arranging our shrine, it is not always possible to consult our teacher, so we need a basic knowledge, a sense of how things should go. Unless your teacher instructed you otherwise, it is safer to place guru’s image on the side.
(Karmapa answered questions from Hong Kong followers on 13.11.2016)